Saturday, January 17, 2009

"But I'm Mad Now"

In 1997, The Simpsons (the greatest show on television) aired an episode, "The Cartridge Family," that contained the following exchange.

Oh, I don’t need anything like that… yet… Just give me my gun.

(He tries to take the gun.)

I’m sorry, but the law requires a five-day waiting period. We’ve got to run a background check.

Five days? But I’m mad now! I’d kill you if I had my gun.

Yeah, well you don’t.

(Homer walks out of the store, muttering.)
Homer's immortal line, "But I'm Mad Now," inspires this blog, because for me, I want to talk about the things that annoyed me today. It'll be mostly about politics, religion, and the media, with an occassional sports rant thrown in.

Welcome to my world!

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